Information Technology Support
Information technology is integral to the requirements for all qualifications. For students who need additional assistance in information technology skills, TM offers the student the opportunity to undertake additional training through coaching sessions provided by an Information Technology support person. It is expected that students have access to personal computers and are able to use their computers in order to access learning resources and complete tasks in the course.
Students are to request this support through student services.
Administrative Contacts
Occasionally Students may need to consult the Trainers and or the PEO with comments, questions, suggestions or other matters. In order that we may better assist our students, we suggest, that the student speak with his/her trainer, or the PEO.
The trainer can often assist with any individual subject problems a student may encounter. The trainer can only comment on his/her subject not on other subjects. The following suggestions may also be of assistance. Read all the information contained in this book thoroughly. If the required information is not found in the "Policies and Procedures for Students” refer the question to the Trainer or Academic Manager or PEO.
Change of Name/Address/Telephone Number
Upon change of name, address or telephone number, you are required to notify the TM with the relevant information. The change must be advised in writing stating the previous address, the new address within 7 days. You are required to complete Change of Address form. This form van be downloaded from website ( or available at student services reception.
No responsibility will be accepted by the TM for failure to follow the above procedure.
Counselling/Personal Support
Lifeline –13 11 14 (24 hours) or
Relationships Australia -1300 364 277
MensLine Australia – (For men of any age) 1300 78 99 78
Kids Helpline (For young people aged 5-25) –1800 551 800.
Nurse and Midwife Support (A 24/7 national support service for nurses & midwives providing access to confidential advice and referral): 1800 667 877.
Mental Health Crisis Team: 1800 629 354 (24 hours)
Mental Health Websites Launched as part of the Australian Government’s National E-Mental Health Strategy, this site is a trusted gateway to issues surrounding mental health care and a first step to finding relevant support and resources to meet mental health needs. Beyondblue’s work is aimed at achieving an Australian community that understands depression and anxiety, empowering all Australians, at any life-stage, to seek help. Anxiety Online provides information, assessment, referral and treatment for Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Headspace provides mental and health wellbeing support, information and services to young people aged 12 to 25 years and their families. is Australia’s leading online youth mental health service. It’s a perfect place to start if not sure where to look. It’s got information on everything from finding motivation, through to getting through really tough times. Jean Hailes’ vision is physical and emotional health and wellbeing in all its dimensions for all Australian women throughout their lives.
Relevant External Contacts and Information
Below is a range of contacts and information you can contact if you need information or help.
Fire, ambulance and police emergency | Phone 000 |
Translating and Interpreting Service | Phone 131 450 |
Lifeline 24-hour Counselling, Advice and Referral Services | Phone 131 114 |
Complaints or problems | |
CRICOS Legislation and regulation | |
International Student Legal Advice | 9698 7645 |
Work Health & Safety | |
Protection of student fees | |
NSW Transport Information (Bus/Train/Ferry) | 131 500 |
RTO and CRICOS registration | |
Study Information | |
Telephone Interpreter Service | 131 450 |
Lifeline (crisis support) | 131 114 |
Alcohol and Drug Information Service | 9361 800 |
Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service | 1800 737 732 |
Department of Home Affairs | 131 881 |
St Vincent's Hospital | 8382 1111 |
NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service | 9816 0347 |
Family Planning (for pregnancies) | 8752 4300 |
Sydney Sexual Health Centre (for sexually transmitted diseases) | 9382 7440 |